
How many diapers per day

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Not a dumb questions but honestly when that baby comes alot of your questions will just be answered naturally by your maternal instinct. With both my children as newborns I changed them prior to every feed or sooner if they stooled. When they were no longer eating every 23 hrs I still change them every 34 hours max. My youngest (second child) is now 14 months and I have to chase him down to change him but generally its every 3 hrs or sooner if hes wet or dirty, always before and after naptimes and before bedtime, and most nights if he wakes up I change him too. Generally speaking newborns go through 810 diapers per day.

I use mostly cloth diapers so I have to change every 11 1/2 hours. However, the number of disposables used really depends on the baby. Some days, when the baby poos alot, it seems like all I do is change diapers. I would say the average is about 1012

One thing to be careful of is that disposable diapers can be deceiving. They may not seem wet even when they are. If you wait until you KNOW they are wet, the baby could have wet 2 or more times. It is especially important to change that delicate newborn bottom frequently.

Some people change their baby diaper like maybe after 20 minutes or so from being fed. If I can remember when I took Child Development class in high school it was like 12 to 16 diapers a day. Just really depends on the child how often they get the diaper wets. You don want the diaper to get very soak otherwise they will get diaper rash very quickly and that not good. If the baby is asleep, don try and change their diaper. Wait til they wake up and by that time, they may need their diaper changed. Sometimes baby will cry because they need their diaper changed, or hungry, etc. Good Luck!! Congratulations!!!

There are no dumb questions. Change your baby often especially if he/she has had a bowel movement. Keeping your baby in a soiled diaper will cause rashes. don want that in any baby especially a new born. Your instincts will kick in and you know when to change him/her. You don need to change the baby every 20 minutes or anything. Use your judgement. Diaper useage per day varies for me. I have a 7 week old. Some days thats all I do is change her diaper, others it is more spread out. Just relax and it will all fall into place. I know it a little scary being a first time mom, but you will be amazed at how much just comes to you. You be fine.

ita not dumb at all thats what you think b/c your a new mom to be but beleive me we all have questions about everything when pregnant especially for our first baby.

my baby goes through 78 diapers per day but she is 9 months old i have no idea if it decreases or increases as they get older b/c i never thought about it and honestly i dont feel like thinking since its monday and i partied so much this weeekend. but anyways yeah when they are new borns i would suggest feeling if tehy are peed or pooped b/c it can give him or her a rash if she last long with no diaper change. so yeah maybe about every 34 hours is good.


